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  The Menu Link Control File

    The Database Composer's Menu Linker uses this file to define the menu
    structure, the menu names, and menu items of a Hypertext Database.

         !name: Up to 40-character name                                 
                    text of credits]                                    
         !menu: menu name                                               
               item 1 name     file-1.ngo                               
               item n name     file-n.ngo                               

    The Database Composer's Menu Linker uses the menu link control file to
    create the menu structure of the final database. The menu link control
    file contains link parameters such as DATABASE NAME, CREDITS, MENU NAME,
    MENU ITEM NAMES. There are no limitations on naming the control file
    (with the standard provision that the extensions .EHO, .EH and .NG
    cannot be used). The database created by the linker will have the same
    base name as the menu link control file, but with a .EH extension.

    The menu link control file always begins with the !name: field.
    This is the name that will appear in the scroll box when a database
    is selected by pressing ALT-D or by picking "Select Database" from the
    F1 Options menu.

    The !menu: command starts a new menu definition. There can be at most
    ten menu definitions for each database. Menus appear in the menu bar in
    same order they are defined in the menu link control file.

         Menu names can be up to 68 characters in length.

    Item name is the name that will be used for the menu item. Menu items
    appear in the menu in the same order in which they are defined in the
    control file. A menu can have up to eight menu items.

    The filename that follows item name specifies the name of the compiled
    object file that supplies the data for the menu item. (Compiled object
    files have the .EHO extension.)

    The second format of the menu link control file is used when you wish to
    define a simple database consisting of a single list of short entries,
    and no menus.

    The following example menu link control file will create a database with
    two menus. The first menu, named dBASE III + Language will have two menu
    items, Commands and Functions. The second menu Tables will also have
    two menu items, ASCII Chart and Line Drawing Chart. The database will
    be named dBASE III Plus Language Database.

         !name: dBASE III Plus Language Database                        
         !menu: dBASE III + Language                                    
                 Commands                db3_cmds.ngo                   
                 Functions               db3_fctn.ngo                   
         !menu: Tables                                                  
                 ASCII Chart             ascii.ngo                      
                 Line Drawing Chart      line_chr.ngo                   


See Also: An Overview of Database Design. System Requirements. Hypertext Databases (specs) Expert Help Engine Character Attributes Comments !Credits: Data Text Files. !File: Long Entries Related Topics: !Short: The Menu Link Control File. The Search Engine (EH.EXE) The Database Composer !Menu:
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